What are the symptoms of fibroids after menopause? - Revive Hormone Clinic

Fibroids are noncancerous growths that develop in or on the muscular wall of the uterus. Many women develop fibroids at some point, but usually they don't cause symptoms and don't require treatment. However, some fibroids cause troublesome signs and symptoms — such as heavy menstrual bleeding and pelvic pressure — that may worsen after menopause. Common symptoms of fibroids after menopause include:

After menopause, when a woman's estrogen levels decline dramatically, fibroids usually shrink. But some fibroids may remain after menopause and cause continued symptoms: If you have new onset or persistent fibroid symptoms after menopause, see your doctor. An imaging test, such as an ultrasound or MRI, can confirm if fibroids are present. Treatment options for fibroids after menopause may include: There are also natural ways to help manage fibroid symptoms without resorting to surgery, such as: The takeaway is that fibroids sometimes persist and cause troublesome symptoms after menopause. Heavy, prolonged menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain and pressure are common complaints. If problematic fibroids remain, uterine artery embolization or hysterectomy may be necessary. But non-surgical options like natural hormone balancing strategies are worthwhile to try first. Check with your doctor to explore the pros and cons of each approach.

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