Joint pain

What is Joint Pain?

Joint pain refers to discomfort, aches, and soreness in any of the body's joints. This sensitive area contains fluid and connective tissue to allow bones to move freely against each other. When this movement becomes impaired from injury or disease, immense discomfort can occur.

Common Causes

Many factors can trigger joint pain. One of the most prevalent is arthritis, inflammation within the joint that breaks down tissue over time. Other common culprits are sprains, strains, bursitis, autoimmune disorders, infections, and bone fractures near the joint. Even repetitive motions like extensive typing or athletic overuse can ignite pain.


Those suffering from joint discomfort often experience common symptoms. These include:

In many cases, joint pain tends to worsen with age. As we get older, cartilage breaks down while tendons/ligaments lose elasticity.

If you've noticed any of the above symptoms persistently, it's wise to (/contact/)!

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