Does probiotics help with menopause? - Revive Hormone Clinic

Probiotics refer to the "good" bacteria that live in our digestive tracts and help keep us healthy. There is emerging research showing that probiotics may help ease some of the symptoms associated with menopause, specifically hot flashes and mood changes. During menopause, declining estrogen levels disrupt the balance of bacteria in the vagina and digestive tract. This can lead to issues like vaginal atrophy, urinary tract infections, and digestive problems. Probiotics may help by:

Some small studies have found promising results regarding probiotics and menopause, including: Potential mechanisms behind these benefits include: So in summary, preliminary research indicates probiotics may mitigate some bothersome symptoms of menopause. Benefits may include fewer hot flashes, less joint discomfort, better mood, and healthier estrogen levels. However, larger and longer-term studies are still needed. The ideal strains, dosages, and duration of treatment remain unclear. Most studies used multispecies probiotics given for 8-12 weeks. If you're going through menopause, adding more probiotic-rich foods into your diet certainly won't hurt! Good sources include yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, pickles, aged cheeses, miso, and fermented veggies. You can also try a daily probiotic supplement, aiming for one with multiple Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus strains. When combined with lifestyle approaches like staying active, limiting alcohol/caffeine, reducing stress, and eating a nutrient-dense diet — probiotics may provide added support for navigating menopause smoothly. Be patient, as it may take a few months to feel the benefits. At Revive Hormone Clinic, we specialize in helping women balance their hormones for a healthier, happier menopause transition. Our practitioners expertly prescribe bioidentical hormone therapy when appropriate to relieve symptoms. We also provide customized nutrition and lifestyle plans to optimize energy, sleep, mood, and vitality. Contact us today to take control of your menopause!

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